Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Two years old is such a great age to be! Hizee is entering that time when she is coming up with the most heartwarming and humerous insights. Here are a few to tickle your eardrums:

I was brushing my teeth one day when Hizee asked me "Mommy are your teeth enjoying their shower?"

She was sitting on the counter the other day watching popcorn seeds emerge as popcorn out of the popcorn popper (those things we used before microwave popcorn) when she burst out, "Good for you seeds!"

Upon finding a small puddle on a walk she announced "Hey Daddy, I found a tiny wetland!"

1 comment:

Ang said...

jaime i'm simply inlove with your blog, how could you have made me wait so long for this coolness. thank u thank u thank u for sharing.