Friday, November 17, 2006
It's all about super heroes at our house these days and if Hizee were to have her own super hero comic she would be "The Amazing Mother Hen." She totes around her little blue spotted stool coming to the aid of family members in need. Whether it be turning on lights, bathing her baby brother, or setting the table she can "do it myself!"
Hizee is also beside herself with excitment about Christmas. A few times this week she has come to me and said "I think today should be Christmas...good idea mom?" And today she burst out "I'm just giddy about Christmas!!!"
Brother Buddies!
Zam is in love with Ziko and Ziko is in love with Zam! If you mention to Zam that there is a possibility that he and Ziko may fight one day he abrupty states that there is no such possibility.
As for the "deer in the headlights" look, it results from us telling Zam to do "big eyes" for pictures as most of his smiley pictures end up with his eyes squinted shut.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Doing a little indoor arctic winter gardening!
Hizee is such a joy to be around (most of the time)! She keeps us all entertained with her fun-filled antics. Here are a few of her latest two-year-old insights:
She is extremely saddened by the fact that her favourite p.j.s (with Lilo and Stitch designs) no longer fit her so the other day she came up to me and said "Hey mom, when I get smaller I can wear my Lilo and Stitch pajamas again, right?"
This afternoon Ziko accidently hit her in the eye with his spoon while she was walking by his high chair. At first she was quite angry with him but then she turned it into a joke: "Mom, I guess Ziko wants to eat my eye for lunch today!"
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Bus Games!
When we go on the afternoon bus run we have a twenty minute wait at the first school we pick up from. This is one of Ziko and Hizee's favourite times of the day! We play a series of games -- usually in the same order. The first thing Hizee does is get out of her car seat and run full speed down the aisle. This sends Ziko into a state of hysterical laughter. Next is the "Peek a Zeek" game where we sit Ziko down on a seat and Hizee and I pop up from the seat in front of him...this also gives him the extreme giggles. Then we sneek in a game of hide and seek which is quite fun and challenging given the number of possible seats to hide behind (although Hizee hides in the exact same seat each time). Once the first group of kids gets on we play a quick game of "Crazy Giraffe" with some of the bus kids. This game involves driving one of Ziko's toy giraffes over each others' heads. Being a bus driver would be quite boring without my sidekicks Hizee and Ziko!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Although he is not yet crawling, The Bean is able to get anywhere he wants to go! He scoots around the house finding absolutely everything that he shouldn't have! From paper to "stuff from nature" (as Zam terms it) Ziko loves to eat everything BUT baby food. As we put him down on the ground to explore we often remark that we are putting him down "to graze."
Ziko is also quite thrilled about his one big, white chomper (tooth) that is protruding out of his bottom gum and is constantly making sure it is still there by feeling it with his tongue. More teeth are definitly on the way!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Zam has requested a ghost cotume for several years now and this year his dream of becoming a ghost finally came true! It was cute to hear the remarks of one of his school mates on the night of his school's Halloween dance. As we approached the school entrance the child turned to his mom and exclaimed,"Hey look mom, a good old fashioned ghost!"