Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Doing a little indoor arctic winter gardening!

Hizee is such a joy to be around (most of the time)! She keeps us all entertained with her fun-filled antics. Here are a few of her latest two-year-old insights:

She is extremely saddened by the fact that her favourite p.j.s (with Lilo and Stitch designs) no longer fit her so the other day she came up to me and said "Hey mom, when I get smaller I can wear my Lilo and Stitch pajamas again, right?"

This afternoon Ziko accidently hit her in the eye with his spoon while she was walking by his high chair. At first she was quite angry with him but then she turned it into a joke: "Mom, I guess Ziko wants to eat my eye for lunch today!"

1 comment:

Ang said...

Jaime, you are PURE comedy and your kids are totally reflecting that. Is it bad to laugh at every little thing you write? love ya